The manufacturing sector in Southwest Alabama includes a wide range of advanced manufacturing companies. Process manufacturers in the region include leading producers of steel, chemicals, and paper-related products. Manufacturer employers seek individuals who are problem solvers with technical skills and creative minds. Whether you are an engineer looking to solve the latest puzzle in production or an operator ensuring everything runs as planned, manufacturing can provide challenging and rewarding employment.

Average Salary*
Workers Employed
*The average industry wages provided here cover positions from entry-level to CEO. While efforts have been made to ensure accuracy, individual salaries may vary due to factors like location, experience, and job role. These figures serve as general estimates; for precise information, consider further research and consultation with professionals.


  • You want to make innovative and technologically complex products

  • You are detail-oriented and a problem solver

  • You are handy and precise with mechanical and technical abilities

  • You are reliable and willing to take on multiple tasks

  • You have great communication skills and function well as part of a team