The aviation industry is one of the key sectors in Southwest Alabama and includes several of the largest employers in the region. The aviation industry bolsters the Southwest Alabama regions reputation as a leader in high technology and innovation. In fact, the SAWDC region is part of the 3rd largest Aviation Corridor in the world. With the right training, you too could join this field, and continue the region’s tradition of Aviation excellence.

Average Salary*
Workers Employed
*The average industry wages provided here cover positions from entry-level to CEO. While efforts have been made to ensure accuracy, individual salaries may vary due to factors like location, experience, and job role. These figures serve as general estimates; for precise information, consider further research and consultation with professionals.


SAWDC’s Aviation partners include:

AE&C Services



Certified Aviation Services

Collins Aerospace

Continental Aerospace Technologies

Jet Services

MAAS Aviation

Mobile Airport Authority

PCI Manufacturing

PSA Airlines

Segers Aero

SEZ Aerospace USA

ST Engineering



  • You are precise and detail-oriented

  • You are handy and have mechanical and technical abilities

  • You are reliable and willing to take on multiple tasks

  • You have great communication skills and function well as part of a team